20 Multiplication Worksheets for Effective Math Practice

You’ve done the hard work to make multiplication easy for your students. Now, it’s time for them to practice everything they’ve learned with multiplication worksheets.
Worksheets aren’t the only way to practice multiplication, but they’re an effective, easy way to work on class material and get students working independently. Plus -- while students complete their worksheets, you have time to catch up on other important tasks.
The only problem is creating them. We know it can be time-consuming to make your own worksheets -- so we’ve created them for you!
We’ve got 20 free multiplication worksheets for third and fourth grade, covering a variety of skills for students to practice.
We'll cover the following:
Multiplication worksheets -- grade 3
- Multiplication Facts (0-9)
- Multiplication Tables (0-12)
- Multiply multiples of 10
- Multiplication properties
- Multiplication word problems
- Multiplication word problems - arrays
Multiplication worksheets -- grade 4
- 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication
- 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication
- 4 digit by 1 digit multiplication
- Multiplication as a comparison
5 Fun ways to use multiplication worksheets in the classroom
20 Printable multiplication worksheets
Each of our worksheets come with an answer key for your reference, and students can complete them with or without the help of a multiplication chart. Just choose the grade level and skill that’s right for your class and then click to download.
Check out our multiplication worksheets below!
Multiplication worksheets -- grade 3
Can't decide?
Download all of our grade 3 worksheets here!
Multiplication worksheets -- grade 4
Can't decide?
5 Fun ways to use multiplication worksheets in the classroom
Sometimes assigning your students worksheets can feel stale, but there are plenty of fun ways you can use them to liven up your lessons!
Here are some ways you can use multiplication worksheets in your class that are sure to keep students engaged.
1. Think-pair-share
Think-pair-share is a learning strategy designed to enhance students’ understanding of concepts and encourage collaboration with peers. It’s also a great way to conduct formative assessments. Students think about a concept individually, pair up to discuss their ideas, and then share their thoughts with the class.

Image source: Giulia Forsythe on Flickr
Here’s how to use think-pair-share with your multiplication worksheets:
- Think — Give each student a multiplication worksheet and let them work individually to solve all the problems.
- Pair — Split your class into pairs and have them compare answers, solving any differences and discussing trouble spots.
- Share — Take up the questions as a class and encourage each pair to participate by offering at least one answer. You can also facilitate discussions about difficult questions or thought processes for solving each equation.
2. Learning stations
Make multiplication worksheets a math stop in your next learning station rotation.
Learning stations are a popular blended learning technique -- usually incorporating technology, worksheets and hands-on activities -- so students can interact with different instructional models and learning environments. It also helps you fit more learning into your already busy workday.
Learning stations can take many forms. For example, if you want to focus on multiplication in your next rotation, try including the following:
- Multiplication worksheets
- Small group instruction
- Flashcards for multiplication fact fluency
- Digital learning tools like Prodigy Math
- Multiplication games like mystery picture or multiplication war
- Multiplication crafts like this one from Teachers Pay Teachers
3. Team battles
Turn your worksheets into a class battle to encourage friendly competition in your classroom.
Split the class into pairs or teams and let them battle to complete the questions on their worksheets first.
You can get creative when choosing the size of each team, time limits, how teams will show they’ve completed the worksheet, and prizes for the winners.
4. Scavenger hunt
Turn any worksheet into a treasure map by making a multiplication scavenger hunt!
Give students a checklist of certain numbers or elements to look for in their worksheets. As they solve the worksheet, they can check off the items in their list until both the worksheet and the scavenger hunt is complete.
For example, have students find a product with:
- 2 even numbers and 2 odd numbers
- Only one even number
- 3 in the hundreds place
- The sum of 5 and 7

Try including lots of different elements in your scavenger hunt and going beyond using just numbers. You can offer additional incentives such as bonus marks or prizes for students who finish their scavenger hunts.
5. Mystery number
This activity is similar to a scavenger hunt, but instead of a list, students are only looking for one mystery number.
Give students a mystery number to find somewhere in their multiplication worksheets and then have them write the equation that produced it.
You can turn this task into a group competition as well, having teams battle to write the equation with the mystery number on the board first.

Tip: To make the activity more challenging, give clues for the mystery number instead of giving the actual number.
How to use Prodigy Math to teach multiplication
To supplement worksheets, use Prodigy in your multiplication lessons.
Prodigy is an engaging game-based learning platform that targets curriculum-aligned math skills (including multiplication) for 1st-8th grade students around the globe.
There are so many ways to teach multiplication with Prodigy.
Use it as:
- An online multiplication game
- A math learning station
- Homework assignments
- Small group instruction
- A personalized learning tool with adaptive feedback
- Entry or exit tickets
- A classroom reward (that still involves learning!)
Final thoughts: multiplication worksheets
Worksheets are just one of many methods for getting your students to practice multiplication and other important concepts. They’re also great for conducting formative assessments or assigning homework.
Print out these multiplication worksheets to plan a dynamic, engaging math class and give your students some powerful multiplication practice. Our worksheets will be a perfect addition to your multiplication lessons!
Create or log into your teacher account on Prodigy Math — an engaging, game-based learning platform for math that's easy to use for educators and students alike. Aligned with curricula across the English-speaking world, it's loved by more than 100 million teachers and students.