Fun Place Value Chart [+ Teaching Tips and 8 Activities]

Printable place value chart
Many learners understand place value best when they work with the numbers themselves. A place value chart gives students the chance to see the value of digits, numbers and decimals in our base ten number system.
Here are three charts to use with your students as they learn place value! Plus, we've made it easy for you to choose between colorful and printer-friendly options.
Blank place value chart

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Students can use a blank place value chart to take numbers and easily assign a place value to each digit. For added practice, use a place value chart with opportunities for students to write out the number in standard, expanded and word form.
Want to make a reusable place value chart? Download, print and laminate these sheets. Students can use dry erase markers to write their numbers, then wipe them off and start again!
Place value chart to billions

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Thrill and amaze students when you teach them to make gigantic numbers using a place value chart. This chart also includes spaces for students to write out their answers in standard, expanded and word form. Have students work with famous numbers, like:
- 252,088 miles — The furthest distance between Earth and the moon
- 7,581,154,200 — The world population in June 2019, as estimated by the US Census Bureau
- 8,398,748 — The population of New York City as of July 1st, 2018
- 35,800,000 miles — The distance between Earth and Mars at the closest point in Mars’s orbit
They’ll learn about science and geography, while also practicing their place value skills!
Place value charts also teach students the difference between place value and period value. Place value is the value of an individual digit, while period value refers to groups of three places separated by commas.
Decimal place value chart

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Instead of moving to the left of the decimal point and multiplying by ten, divide by ten or multiply by ⅒ to determine decimal place value. A place value chart with decimals can help students see how numbers become smaller when they move to the right of the decimal place.
Use Prodigy to teach place value!
Want so much more than just a place value chart? Prodigy is an engaging curriculum-aligned math platform that makes learning math fun! Students will explore an exciting world filled with adventure, where success depends on correctly answering skill-building math questions.
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Using Prodigy in your classroom promotes a daily math practice and keeps students engaged with in-class content. With more than 1,500 skills across three DOK levels, you’ll be able to align in-game content with anything you’re teaching in the classroom — including place value!
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What is place value?
Place value is the value of a digit as determined by its position in a number.
Students learn place value to understand that every number is made up of digits. These digits -- 0-9 -- have different values depending on their place in the number.
Up until this point, students have been learning numbers as a continuous sequence. They don’t necessarily understand the base ten system or realize numbers are made up of other numbers.
How to teach your students about place value
Whole numbers
The best way to start teaching students about place value is through hands-on examples.
Using pebbles, beans or other small objects, ask the students to count out 17. Explain to students they can divide 17 into a group of ten and a group of seven. In 17, the one represents the group of ten and the seven represents seven ones.
Do this a few more times, with a larger number each time. (For example, move from 17 to 24, then to 43). Use a place value chart to explain that each digit in the tens column represents groups of ten. For example, a four in the tens column would represent 40, which is four groups of ten.
This is a good time to start teaching some of the vocabulary around numbers and place value students will need to know.
Standard form: The number, written as usual.
Example: 3,453
Written form: The number written out using words instead of digits.
Example: three thousand four hundred fifty three
Expanded form: The number written out as the product of the digit multiplied by the place value.
Example: (3 x 1000) + (4 x 100) + (5 x 10) + (3 x 1)
Expanded form is an excellent way to illustrate place value with students who have already learned the basics of multiplication. With each place further to the left, the value of the digit is multiplied by ten.
Students should also be able to use the less than (<), greater than (>) or equal to (=) signs to express the relationship between two numbers as a sentence:
3,453 > 2,232
“3,453 is greater than 2,232.”
Do your students struggle with the difference between these signs or with expressing which number is greater?
Try these tricks to help them remember:
- The Hungry Alligator — The greater than (>) or less than (<) signs are an alligator’s mouth, and the number on either side represents a number of fish. The alligator always wants to eat the largest number of fish, so the mouth is always open towards the larger number.
- Read out loud — Students aren’t used to this kind of mathematical language. Make sure students can express this as a sentence in their writing and reading, and they understand “greater” refers to the amount, not the quality, of the number.
- Teach students to look at the greatest place value first — Students should realize the digit furthest to the left has the greatest place value. If those are the same, teach students to move towards the right until they find a number that’s greater.
Students can also use a place value chart to compare numbers.
Other important symbols include:
≥ Greater than or equal to