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27 Positive Affirmations for Kids that Boost Self-Esteem

Written by Ashley Crowe

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Positive affirmations are a powerful tool.

You’ve likely read about them online or heard a teacher sing their praises. Maybe another parent shared their morning affirmations at your last playdate. Or maybe your aunt raved about her mindset cards at your last holiday get-together. And you’re left wondering, “What’s all this fuss about?”

Positive affirmations are powerful statements that can help anyone develop a growth mindset. Even our kids. 

There are lots of feelings that come with being a kid. Our little ones are changing and growing all the time, and in so many ways. They’re processing new emotions they’ve never felt before and are navigating situations they have no experience with. Positive affirmations can bolster a child’s self-esteem while helping them combat negative thoughts and feelings. 

There are so many benefits to explore. Let’s dig into what positive affirmations are and how they can help your child thrive.

What are positive affirmations for kids?

Positive affirmations are positive statements that fight back against negative thoughts. 

Whether we realize it or not, our words carry a lot of weight. They influence our thoughts and moods. They can build us up or tear us down. And they can make or break relationships. 

That’s why speaking positive words and maintaining positive thinking are so important. Positive affirmations can be a powerful tool for changing a person’s mood and outlook. 

Why positive affirmations matter

Though we wish it weren’t the case, many children face struggles with mental health and battle negative thoughts. Life can be hard, even for the smallest of people. Peer relationships are difficult to navigate and can leave many children feeling inadequate or lonely. Academics don’t come easily to all students. Some struggle to keep up with their classwork, quickly feeling discouraged and not capable. 

Sometimes their problems do seem small to us adults. It’s just a scraped knee or a hurtful word from a kid on the playground. But it’s often a much bigger deal to them. It’s our job to give our children skills to cope with these negative feelings. Social-emotional learning is just as important as any other academic topic or life skill they’re learning. 

Our children need to learn how to process their emotions, while not letting those emotions dictate their behavior. Positive affirmations can provide the language children lack to speak truth and positivity to themselves. Self-affirmations can teach them how to redirect negative thoughts into more positive ones. 

Initially, saying positive affirmations may feel a little weird and forced. Your child might feel embarrassed saying the phases out loud. But with time, practice, and your help, their unease will subside. And as they consistently use positive affirmations, they’ll soon start to reap all the benefits of a growth mindset. 

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Benefits of positive affirmations

Everyone has statements in their head that they tell themselves over and over, whether they’re true or not. Our thoughts about ourselves and others shape our behavior and influence our decisions. 

So, it’s easy to see how positive thinking can produce more positive outcomes. Consistently using positive affirmations can provide many benefits including:

  • Building a growth mindset 

We know that we’re always learning and moving forward, every day. 

  • Reducing the impact of negative self-talk

We can replace negative thoughts with positive ones, improving our overall self-image.

  • Improving our overall mood and well-being

Our positive thoughts translate into positive feelings.

  • Developing higher self-esteem and self-confidence

We affirm our value and abilities, leading to a better belief in ourselves.

  • Growing a positive self-image 

We know what we’re capable and worthy of. 

Effects of positive affirmations

While positive affirmations have been widely accepted in psychological theory as beneficial and effective, their effects have also been researched.

One study examined how positive affirmations affected college students. Students received two positive affirmations daily for two weeks. After the days of positive thoughts, students consistently reported higher self-esteem and satisfaction.  

And bonus — it created a ripple effect. The students who received positive affirmations were more likely to give out positive affirmations to others. 

These benefits aren’t just about good feelings. Another study showed that self-affirmations actually light up different parts of the brain, increasing its processing and valuation skills. Consistent positive affirmations can change our brain in fantastic ways

How to use positive affirmations

How do you incorporate positive affirmations into your family’s life? Here are some practical tips. 

Do affirmations every single day

Practicing morning affirmations can help you start your day on the right track. It puts you and your child in a good headspace for tackling the rest of the day. 

Positive self-talk also becomes easier with practice. Some of your child’s favorite affirmations will become second nature, popping into their head when they need them most.

Mom kisses her child as they sit together.

Use affirmation cards

Place an affirmation card on your fridge or bathroom mirror to battle feelings of discouragement. Tailor the affirmations on those cards to be exactly what your child needs to read at that moment. You can print them on bright paper or add colorful drawings for extra fun and personalization.

Practice mindfulness together

Life is not a solo sport! We are all in this together. And your child needs your help to guide them along this journey of self-love and happiness. Check in on their mental health often and let them know how you’re doing. The bond you build with your child as you practice mindfulness together will be unbreakable.

Child smiles and plays with her parents as they write in a journal together.

Use a journal

Buy a special journal for your child that is just for listing positive affirmations. This practice will create a wonderful resource for your child, perfect for when they’re feeling big feelings or need help calming down. 

This journal will also help them see their growth. The listed affirmations for this month will be different than the ones they wrote six months or a year ago. Situations they struggled through back then may be much easier to handle now. They also can be reminded how much more they love themselves or how they’ve conquered hard challenges. 

Do your own affirmations to set an example

Children learn by watching. And you are their biggest role model. They’re watching when you get all worked up because of a traffic light or flustered over spilled cereal on the floor. They wait and watch to see what you’ll do next. 

So, when these things happen, take a deep breath. Then say your positive affirmations out loud. You’ll be showing them exactly what to do the next time they feel angry, hurt, or scared.

Positive self-affirmations for kids

You can help your child create their own positive affirmations by walking through the struggles they face together. Reflecting on moments when they feel sad or discouraged can help them identify their negative thoughts. And from there you can both brainstorm positive affirmations to counter the negative. 

While personalized self-affirmations are most effective, here are some ideas to get those creative juices flowing. 

Three happy kids cheer while having fun.

Positive affirmations for kids about self-esteem

  1. I am confident and brave.
  2. My self-worth is not tied to my abilities.
  3. Other people do not designate my worth. 
  4. I am important and special.
  5. I can be a positive leader to others.
  6. I am proud of myself and my accomplishments. 
  7. Mistakes help me learn and grow. 
  8. I am a problem-solver.
  9. I go after my dreams.

Positive affirmations for kids about motivation

  1. I will do great things today.
  2. I am strong enough to complete this task. 
  3. My brain and body are powerful. 
  4. I like to be challenged so that I can grow.
  5. I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. 
  6. A fresh start is always possible. 
  7. I may fail, but I will get back up again. 
  8. I am a fighter who doesn’t give up. 
  9. I am capable of doing hard things. 

Positive affirmations for kids for self-love

  1. I am worthy of love. 
  2. My body is beautiful and strong.
  3. I have good friends who love me. 
  4. Today, I will be kind to myself.
  5. I have great ideas. 
  6. I am in control of my own happiness. 
  7. I am grateful for the good things in my life. 
  8. I can ask for help when I need it.  
  9. I am a gift to those around me. 

Positive affirmations for parents

Kids aren’t the only ones who struggle with the hardships of life. Being an adult is difficult too — and even more so when you’re a parent. There are trying days and struggles that often seem to have no good solution. 

Parents deserve to have their own mantras as well. Positive parenting thoughts that center you and turn a bad day into a great day. Try a few of these daily affirmations for parents to help improve your mindset and lift your mood. 

  1. I am a loving and supportive parent. 
  2. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. It’s okay to reach out for help. 
  3. I do what is best for my child and my family. 
  4. I am doing my best. And that is enough. 
  5. I am capable of tackling the challenges of parenthood.
  6. I will focus on progress, not perfection. 
  7. I am allowed to pursue my own dreams outside of my children. 
  8. I will show my kids love through my actions and words. 
  9. I will stay calm, even in the midst of chaos. 
  10. I am grateful for the time I get to spend with my children. 

Help your child build their growth mindset with Prodigy

Positive affirmations can be incredibly beneficial in the heat of the moment when we’re feeling angry, upset, or anxious. And for your child, these affirmations can support them when they face challenges at home and at school.

If your child is struggling in school and needs some extra motivation to go along with their positive affirmations, Prodigy is here to help! Our fun, online learning games can help kids shift mindsets to learning and help them master more key skills.

Watch as your child crafts their perfect paradise in Prodigy English, or cheer as they master magical spells in Prodigy Math – all while they build key, curriculum-aligned skills in both subjects.

Plus with your Prodigy parent account, you can:

  • Set goals and rewards to inspire your child's growth mindset
  • Get monthly reports on their progress, including their struggle areas
  • Use educational resources to help them, including video lessons and practice sheets

Ready to help your child thrive on their growth mindset journey? Jump right into creating your parent account now or learn more about Prodigy works for parents below!

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