Ready, Set, Snow — Winterfest is Here!

🎶 It’s the most wonderful time of the year for Prodigy players everywhere. 🎶
That’s right — our annual Winterfest is coming to Lamplight Town to make all your holiday wishes come true! ❄️
From December 9 to January 5, players can explore this winter wonderland and practice more math at home during the holidays. It’s a win-win-win for students, parents and educators!

Here’s what to expect from Winterfest this year.
Top Winterfest in-game features
With all the limited time features Winterfest brings, students will certainly be motivated to log in and play Prodigy during our merry event.
Don’t forget: Winterfest is only accessible if students select “At Home” when they log in.
This holiday season, players who log into Prodigy get to:
- See Lamplight Town Square all decked with holiday magic.
- Complete their daily task to defeat the snowman. ⛄
- Earn magic snowflakes — our Winterfest currency that can be used to buy limited edition gear at the event shop.
Whatever you have on your Winterfest wishlist, our event shop has you covered. Look out for a brand new pet, wand, buddy and firework in the shop this year!

And to add to the frosty fun, Premium Members get even more awesome items to choose from.
This year, members are getting more prizes to collect than ever before! This includes the new items above, plus an extra pet, buddy and special Winterfest-themed wands!

These exclusive items and more will be available all month!
Plus, players who were part of last year’s fun will also see a familiar face leading the Winterfest activities.

Howard Cornelius, your Winterfest host, is an avid mountain climber — and has been his whole life. Each year, when the cold winds of winter blow south and bring snow to Lamplight, Howard and his trusty mountain goat, Hanz, pay a visit to their friends in Lamplight Town — bringing all sorts of fun winter treasures with them!
There are so many fun things to expect, it’s almost un-brr-lievable!
Parents: support your child’s learning during Winterfest
Winterfest will be snow much fun for players, but the best part for parents will be all the extra engagement you’ll see.
That’s because more Winterfest game play = more math questions answered.
This year, learning looks a little different. But with the excitement of Winterfest, your child will be eager to practice more math over the holidays so they can stay on track and ready to learn more in the new year.
Plus, they’ll stay busy independently learning and getting productive screen-time at home.

Tip: Encourage your child to enjoy Winterfest virtually with friends. Players can battle each other in the game, or you can even help them create and host their own DIY mini-tournament!
How to boost your child’s math skills during Winterfest
1. Use your parent account to set Goals over the holidays
Be the difference in your child’s learning! Use Prodigy's reports to track your child's learning and spot when they need help. Log into your free parent account to get started!

2. Support their learning even more with a Premium Membership
During Winterfest, your child will be extra excited to play Prodigy Math Game. But a Premium Membership can help boost engagement even more!
Use Prodigy’s brand new Premium features for parents to track progress and support your child along their learning journey, during Winterfest and beyond.

You’ll get access to:
- Practice Areas — Track your child’s strengths and learning obstacles and see samples of questions they’re struggling with.
- Practice Sheets — Print worksheets tailored to your child’s learning needs. Each one includes fun Prodigy artwork to color in.
- Classroom Learning — Get a glimpse at the work your child’s teacher has assigned in Prodigy this year, whether in class or at home.
Teachers: use Winterfest to strengthen student math skills over the winter break
What’s on your teacher wishlist this holiday season?
Personalized learning? An aligned class? Increased parent support?
With Winterfest, all of the above is possible — and more!
Why teachers love Winterfest
1. Student engagement can climb
Your class is counting down the days until winter break, and it’s possible they’ll start to disengage as the holidays inch closer — especially if you’re teaching remotely.
But with all the new, limited-time features the festival has to offer, students can ask to play Prodigy Math (and answer more math questions) all day long!
2. It’s an easy (and fun) December activity
‘Tis the season! Playing Prodigy during Winterfest is a perfect activity to assign as your days lead up to the holidays.
It’s easy and fun for students to play at home. Plus, they’re still building important math skills while you differentiate and scaffold for individual learning needs.
3. You can help prevent winter learning loss
While winter break is much shorter than summer break, time away from learning can still impact student retention. And this year, keeping students on track through virtual learning has been tough.
But you can use Winterfest to encourage more learning over winter break and get students practicing more math over the holidays. They’ll be more than willing to log in when they know how much frosty fun they’re about to have!
How you can boost math achievement with Winterfest
Boost math practice, build up individual skills and improve overall learning outcomes over the holidays.
But hurry! Remember, Winterfest is only here until the end of December.
1. Share the Winterfest magic!
To get more engagement from students, share the in-game information above to make sure they know how much fun they’ll have the next time they log in.
Tell your students and their parents all about Winterfest so they can get excited about using Prodigy at home.
They’ll be snow happy to play Prodigy and learn more math!
"I set challenges for my students during the festivals — usually around how many questions they can answer, reaching different levels of festival currency, meeting for teacher battles, etc. This keeps them engaged in playing and allows them to work through any plans that I assign, which has proven to keep them practicing over the breaks."
Cassandra Betts
2. Check your class Reports
Log into your teacher account and let your class Reports show you which math skills to assign students while they play.

Your Student Comprehension and Progress Reports will show you how your class is performing in specific strands or domains, so you can figure out what they need to work on next!
3. Set Assignments over the Winter Break
Using the information from your Reports, you can create Assignments — like Assignments and Plans — ahead of time, for students to complete during December.
This means you can give students practice with specific skills or math questions — even during their days off.
Use Assignments to:
- Reinforce lessons
- Differentiate for various learning needs
- Create formative assessments to inform your January lessons.

No matter where they’re learning, your students will be all ready to keep learning and tackle new math skills in the new year, like the math wizards they are.
"The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is tough when it comes to maintaining motivation and attention. Having something like Winterfest is fun, but also gets kids to practice math skills. It's a win-win situation!"
Katie Whitehurst
4th Grade Teacher