Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! [Letters to You, from Prodigy]

Dear teachers,Â
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Here at Prodigy, we wanted to share with you how grateful we are for your continued work and support.Â
For many of you, the after effects of the pandemic have turned your jobs upside-down. Instead of teaching students in the classroom, you adeptly transitioned to online learning – in many cases, for the first time in your careers. And now, you're back in the classroom doing your best to solve learning gaps, support social emotional learning and tackle burnout in students and in teachers. It's not easy being a teacher, but we support and believe in you.
Never before has more been asked of you, and we’re in awe of the effort, skill and commitment you show every day in the classroom!
Without the passion and dedication of teachers like you, Prodigy wouldn’t be where (or what) it is today. You’ve shared Prodigy with your colleagues, given us valuable feedback and – most of all – helped your students discover a love of learning.Â
Among our very own teacher community we asked teachers to tell us the small things they do that can have a big impact on their students' education and wellbeing. Here's just a few of the amazing things they do that we wanted to recognize:
- "Give up breaks to help teachers if needed".
- "Be there for our students every day of the week".
- "Give up our weekends to prepare fun activities and lessons".
- "Giving hugs, wiping tears, talking about things outside of school".
- "Working with students outside my classroom to better themselves".
- "Make sure students are fed breakfast, lunch and snacks, and food to go home".
- "Helping out in any way (big or small) that I can for both students or colleagues so they have support/a good day".
- "Modifying lessons to include visual aids and reading things aloud to help learners who are still learning to read or speak English".
- "Listen when kids talk. Doesn't matter what they talk about, or how many times they have told you the same story. Making the time to listen, is huge!."
There's no doubt that teachers go far beyond what's expected of them to support their students. It's your drive, commitment and perseverance you show every day that makes teachers like you exceptional.
We can’t thank you enough for everything you do. But, maybe these thank-you letters from teachers at Prodigy make your Teacher Appreciation Week a bit more special.
This is us, saying thank you for everything you’ve done and everything you’re doing. Keep it up!
The Prodigy Team