[Free Download!] Weekly Activities to Help Your Child Learn This Summer

This summer, you and your family might be spending more time at home than usual.
That’s why at Prodigy, we’re here to support you, week-to-week, to help prepare your child for the new school year.
Download and print our helpful resources below, created by our very own Prodigy teachers!
Prodigy’s Calendar of Activities
Our Prodigy teachers work hard to create in-game math questions. But as teachers and parents, they want to help moms and dads, too.
We created a learn from home schedule, arming you with new activities every week to keep your child engaged and help them learn — all while having fun!
Every day, you’re given one activity from each of the following categories:
- Numeracy
- Literacy
- Physical
- Social and emotional
This provides plenty of variety in different subjects for your child to practice, ensuring they’re building important skills without getting bored.

Download Prodigy’s weekly calendar of activities like the one above!
Download the calendar now to use with your child this week!
Download previous weekly activity calendars:
- Week 20: August 10 – August 14
- Week 19: August 3 - August 7
- Week 18: July 27 - July 31
- Week 17: July 20 – July 24
- Week 16: July 13 – July 17
- Week 15: July 6 – July 10
- Week 14: June 29 – July 3
- Week 13: June 22 – June 26
- Week 12: June 15 – June 19
- Week 11: June 1 – June 5
- Week 10: May 25 – May 29
- Week 9: May 18 – May 22
- Week 8: May 11 – May 15
- Week 7: May 4 – May 8
- Week 6: Apr 27 – May 1
- Week 5: Apr 20 – Apr 24
- Week 4: Apr 13 – Apr 17
- Week 3: Apr 6 – Apr 10
- Week 2: Mar 30 – Apr 3
- Week 1: Mar 23 – Mar 27
Prodigy Summer BINGO
Our BINGO card and accompanying worksheets are filled with fun activities for your child to try all summer.
Plus, as they work through the Prodigy Summer Question Quest, they can check off BINGO squares for that number of questions. It’s a great way to track progress and motivate them even more.
See if your child can complete the BINGO activities by the end of the summer!

P.S. Follow #ProdigySummerQuestionQuest on social media for regular updates on our progress!
More reasons to play (and learn!) with a Premium Membership

A Premium Membership unlocks extra features and fun rewards that gives your child even more reasons to play Prodigy and practice more math skills!
And when you give your child a Premium Membership, they'll also get a free online 1:1 tutoring session with a certified Prodigy Math Tutor.
Want more helpful advice and support? Join our Prodigy Parent Community!
While your child learns from home, our Facebook community can support you with:
- The latest Prodigy tips and tricks (shared weekly!)
- Information on in-game features as soon as they’re available
- Useful tips on how to help your child learn from home
Plus, you’ll be joined by like-minded parents who are dedicated to helping their kids grow, just like you. 👪
Are you a teacher using Prodigy? 👨🏫👩🏫 We’ve included Prodigy play every day to keep your students practicing. If you haven’t yet, use the Assessments tool to create a Plan, Assignment or Test prep to keep them practicing curriculum-aligned math while they learn from home!