Long Division Games To Help Improve Your Student’s Math Skills in the Classroom

Do you remember learning how to do long division? If you’re like most people, it’s not something that you look back on fondly.
Long division is often a difficult skill to teach in the classroom, but division skills are essential for students to master.
Luckily, direct teaching, isn’t the only way to learn long division. There are more options than just pen and paper or long lectures to teach long division.
There are different online games, board games, and other division activities that teachers and homeschool parents can use to provide additional resources to students. These varied approaches can help learners master the important division skills they need to stay on par with their grade level.
Throughout this article, we’ll go over the 4 of the best long division math games that can be used to help students grasp the concept and practice in the classroom or at home. There are also a few tips at the end for teaching long division.
Top 4 long division math games to use in the classroom
Long division is a key math skill that students will continue to use throughout their time in school, just like they use addition, subtraction, multiplication, or fractions.
There are a variety of different ways that teachers can teach long division. The traditional (and sometimes boring to students) method of teaching it with just a marker and a wipe board isn’t necessary.
Additionally, with so many different learning styles present in a singular classroom, it can be difficult to teach long division in just one way and have it resonate with all students. Having a variety of tools and options can be a game-changer.
1. Prodigy Math

Prodigy Math is a great way to have students practice and build their long division skills, all while keeping them engaged! This fun and adaptive learning game places students in the magical world of Prodigy, where they'll rescue magical creatures, cast spells and engage in magical math battles.
Meanwhile, teachers can use their dashboard to set a variety of assignments and access student data to spot learning gaps.
As well as being used as a free long division game, Prodigy Math covers 1,500 other curriculum-aligned math skills from 1st-8th grade, including Common Core.
You can use Prodigy Math to support long division lessons in many different ways, including for:
- Homework
- Station rotations
- Entry and exit tickets
- Early-finisher activities
- Diagnostic assessments
- Summative assessments
And the best bit? Prodigy Math is available at no-cost to teachers and schools, plus it'll do all the assignment grading for you!
Parents can also join in by following their child’s progress, giving them in-game rewards, and getting access to extra learning materials like math videos.
See how it works below:
2. Dividerama

Dividerama is a simple digital math game that can be used to improve a student’s long division skills and practice basic long division facts.
This game will require students to solve the long division problem one digit at a time. This method can be especially helpful for students that are struggling to grasp the concept or who rush through homework and make mistakes because they’re hurrying.
Within the game, there is also the ability to ask for help. If you feel unsure about how to help your learner, this is perfect! The game provides the student with direction on where to go next.
The students are able to check their answer and continue to improve their division skills the longer that they play in the game.
3. Snork’s Long Division Game

Snork’s Long Division Game focuses on a small green monster named Snork, who is trying to learn long division. While players think that they’re simply helping the cute little monster learn how to do long division, they’re really practicing their own long division skills.
The game has the learner work through long division problems step-by-step. If they get one of the steps wrong, the player will hear a beep and then be able to try again.
This gentle reminder helps learners not get all the way to the end of the problem and realize they don’t have the correct answer. It corrects mistakes as soon as they happen.
When the student gets the correct answer, Snork will cheer you on. The more answers the player gets correct, the quicker they will be able to help Snork learn long division.
4. Unique long division worksheets
If you’re not looking for an online option, long division worksheets can also be a great alternative.
There are tons of free long division worksheets online, which can provide a grade appropriate level challenge for students to tackle. You may also be able to find themed printable worksheets that coordinate with holidays or students’ interests and make learning more fun.
Long division worksheets are a great way for teacher’s to monitor progress of a student’s skills and understanding of the subject. When grading, it’s simple to see whether a student is grasping the concept or not.
Tips for teaching long division

Teaching long division can be difficult for teachers, as this subject can be hard for young students to grasp. Or if you’re a parent trying to help your child with homework, long division may be one skill that you dread helping them with or odn’t feel too confident about teaching.
If that’s you, we have some tips for how to teach long division that will likely be helpful.
First and foremost, you should review the individual parts of a long division problem. Provide clear definitions for the following terms: quotient, divisor, remainder, and dividend. This will help students gain a fundamental understanding of each part of the equation.
If possible, make an anchor chart to hang in your classroom that can be easily referenced if students forget these various parts.
Then, walk through the process of dividing single digit numbers into one another, slowly and one step at a time. For example, ask how many times two goes into four. Show the student how to break down the bigger problem into lots of smaller problems.
Once the learner is able to do this easily, move into double digit divisors. This will speed up the process when dividing big numbers, but it can be difficult for beginners to do.
Additionally, start with whole numbers before moving into decimals. Build the foundational skills before adding in sometimes tricky decimals.
Then, once they have mastered whole number division, you can move into division word problems to help develop core division skills. Word problems also help students know how to apply long division to the real world.
Take it one step at a time and together you will build those long division skills!
Find educational, engaging division activities for your classroom
Long division can be a challenging subject for students to tackle but with the right tools and support, it is totally possible to master it!
Using games and activities to teach this new skill can make it less daunting and more fun. With so many options available, you are sure to find one that your students enjoy and will learn from.
When first introducing long division in the fourth grade, be sure to take it one step at a time. Start with the basics and add in bigger numbers, decimals, and word problems as learners become more confident. With the right balance of engagement and targeted practice, students can master long division and grow their confidence with math.
Looking for more learning games and apps?
Gaming can be a powerful way to improve engagement, reinforce learning and motivate students to build more key skills. If you're looking for more fun games for kids to try out in class or at home, check out this list of educational resources:
- 18 Fun Indoor Recess Games to Avoid Rainy Day Slumps
- 15 Free Multiplication Games for Kids To Make Math Fun
- 27 Best Educational Games for Kids to Play Sorted by Subject
- 36 Fun Word Games for Kids To Help with Vocabulary & Literacy
- 18 Fun English and ESL Games to Level Up Learning In Your Classroom
Want to jump in with adaptive, game-based learning for your students or child? Try Prodigy Math or Prodigy English!